2025 Eligibility Guidelines
West Virginia University students who meet ALL of the following qualifications are eligible to apply:
- Undergraduate seniors who received their first baccalaureate degree in August or December of 2024 or who will receive their degree in May 2025.
- Undergraduate seniors with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.8 at time of application
- Undergraduate seniors who submit responses to the application questions as well as the required two letters of reference.
All materials must be submitted no later than 2 p.m. on March 3, 2025.
Before You Apply
The following should be completed as a PDF file to be up-loaded to the online form submission.
Responses to the following:
Please list your name, degree and major, Hometown, Cumulative GPA
List college activities and demonstrated leadership (include student government, sports, school publications, arts, exchange programs, tutoring, etc). Using a table/chart, list: College Activity, Dates, Offices Held, Average Number of Hours per Week.
Discuss one example of your effective leadership in one of the college activities described above.
List service and community activities while an undergraduate student which were not required by your major, a service organization, or judicial sanctions (include projects with community organizations, environmental protection and conservation efforts, work with religious organizations, and summer activities). Do not repeat items listed previously. Using a table/chart, list: Activity, Dates, Offices Held, Average Number of Hours per Week.
List part-time and full-time jobs, internships, and study abroad experience since high school graduation. Type of Work, Employer, Dates, Average Number of Hours per Week.
Discuss how this experience has contributed to your overall development.
List publications, presentations, awards, scholarships, or special recognition (honors, awards) you have received while an undergraduate student. Do not repeat items listed previously.
Describe your most significant academic experiences at West Virginia University, other than GPA (not to exceed 250 words).
Personal Goal Statement: What additional personal goals do you wish to share with the Selection Committee? You may wish to include a response to the question: Why should the Committee select you for this award? Do not repeat information already provided (not to exceed 250 words).
Prepare a statement describing the value of your West Virginia University undergraduate experience. (This essay must not exceed 500 words in length and should be written in as simple and direct a manner as possible).
Two Letters of Reference
One letter of reference from a faculty member who taught you in your major field of study and knows you well enough to evaluate your academic performance.
One letter of reference from a faculty member, adviser, counselor, employer, or other individual (non-family member) who has a special relationship with you while an undergraduate at WVU. Please do not submit additional letters of reference. Letters of reference must be emailed to studentlife@mail.wvu.edu
*Please note that letters of reference should be submitted as PDF files only.
Prepare the materials above as a PDF prior to starting your online submission. All materials must be submitted no later than 2 p.m. on March 3, 2025.
Submit an Application
Basis of Selection
A Selection Committee will choose from among the applicants an estimated 1% of the graduating class as WVU Foundation Outstanding Seniors. Selections will not be based on GPA alone. The Committee will base its decision on all of the following:
- Academic achievement (GPA, scholarship, research)
- Sustained Service
- Honors, awards, recognitions, publications, presentations
- Demonstrated leadership
- Work experience, study abroad, internships, externships
- Personal narratives on application (including your most significant academic experiences, personal goals, and the value of your WVU undergraduate experience)
From this class of WVU Foundation Outstanding Seniors, approximately 12 to 15 students will be invited to interview for induction into the WVU Order of Augusta. After the final selections are made, 6 to 8 students will be named as recipients of the WVU Order of Augusta.
Selection Committee
The Committee is chaired by the Dean of Students and includes four members of the faculty appointed by the President of WVU.